Paul Sudlow and Sam McGrady are both founder members of Moonshine Rebels and Run Out The Guns, an electro/acoustic band from Manchester, who’s repertoire is influenced by Celtic tradition, folk songs and a love of authentic, real music. Both have been involved in playing music for many years, professionally and for the sheer enjoyment of writing and performing.
As well as playing authentic traditional folk songs and instrumentals (known as Jigs or Reels) with the oldest being written in 1846. Moonshine Rebels also play a variety of traditional instruments.
The concert will feature various instruments that will be familiar (electric/acoustic/bass guitars, fiddle, banjo), and some not so familiar.
Below is a little insight into the lesser known instruments…
The Bodhran is a handheld frame drum of Irish origin dating to the mid 17th Century. A goatskin head is tacked to one side, and the other is open-ended for one hand to be placed inside the drum head against the goatskin to control the pitch and timbre. The drum is played with a beater known as a Tipper, with both ends being used to play the complex rhythms.
The Mandolin is an 18th Century stringed instrument of the Lute family. Although small in stature, the Mandolin is an extremely versatile instrument which commonly has four courses of doubled metal strings tuned in unison (8 strings). Close proximity of the strings means intricate melodies can be played with ease (to a seasoned player!) as well as being used as a rhythm instrument.
Finally we have the Bouzouki. You will be forgiven for not spotting this as easily as the others. Visually it is similar to the modern acoustic guitar, but with a longer slim neck, and 8 strings (compared to the acoustics 6 strings). Audibly having a lower/fuller resonating sound due to it’s thicker strings and tuning compared to the acoustic guitar.
The original Bouzouki is a popular instrument used in Greek traditional music. It’s said that in the 1950’s an Irish musician went to Portugal and came across the now extinct Porto-style guitar. After returning to Ireland, he designed a guitar that mixed the porto-style body with the original Greek Bouzouki’s neck. Thus making the Irish Bouzouki, an instrument that would be used in Irish folk music to this day.
We get the sense that a live show with these guys would be a very good thing indeed as there is a well-furrowed skill evident through their performance on this disc.
FATEA Records
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